When trying to decide on where to take your dog for home boarding, there are many aspects to consider. Is it local? Do they understand my breed of dog? Do I like the humans? All of this is important, but there is one thing that you should always make sure you check. Is it a licensed home dog boarder?

Why should you only go with a licensed dog home boarder?
Where overnight boarding of animals occurs in domestic premises like homes, they must be licensed in terms of The Animal Boarding Establishment Act 1963. By confirming that you are sending your dog to a licensed dog boarder, you can be assured of certain important things. For us at Cavvy Cuddles near Edinburgh, this has included:
The home has been inspected by an Environmental Health Officer from the local council to the highest standards.
The home has been confirmed to be suitable for keeping dogs and that strategies are in place should a dog become ill.
There is a limit on how many dogs can be safely boarded at one time.
The home has been visited by a vet to ensure the safety of all dogs that stay.
Our license is renewed each year at which point the Council may choose to re-inspect our premises. Our license is available to see by any potential customer.

Is boarding a dog without a license illegal?
Yes! If someone boards dogs overnight in non-licensed domestic premises, they are breaking the law. You could be fined, like this couple from Essex or even face a prison sentence.
Dogs boarding in an unlicensed home may not be receiving the appropriate levels of care and attention, and may not be having a good time. If you think someone is boarding dogs without a license, be a good citizen and report them for the sake of the dog’s welfare. You should get in touch with your local council.
Association of Dog Boarders
We are a member of the Association of Dog Boarders. This is a body which came together to support those of us who provide professional dog boarding services. They only accept members onto their directory once they have checked their license from the council, so it is another way to show that Cavvy Cuddles is a fully licensed home dog boarding business.

Settle only for the best
So if you are looking for licensed home dog boarding businesses near you, always make sure to check they are licensed just like Cavvy Cuddles. This could save you time and money in the long run. Make sure your dog will enjoy their stay, and have the best time possible by checking for a license first. Then, you can make sure everything else is suitable and start to relax and get ready for going away, safe in the knowledge your dog will be well cared for. They might even have a cake baked for them!